Globo TV in Brazil just made history with their telenovela Liberdade Liberdade. The primetime soap aired its first gay sex scene on television and it was epic. Two of the main characters played by Caio Blat and Ricardo Pereira have been resisting the urge of each other with the sexual tension culminating with both of them consummating their love. The scene was explicit as over-the-air regulations permit. There was backlash from conservative groups, but overall on Twitter the reactions were positive. Watch the hot scene below and tell us what you think!
Globo has been pushing the envelope with telenovelas for the past couple of years not shying away from showcasing taboo storylines. Gay characters have been featured for many years to varying degrees of success. Last year, on the premiere episode of primetime soap Babilonia, two elderly women kissed and it was met with negativity. Ratings for the drama tumbled, with groups calling the network and writers out for the scene.
After the downward spiral in audience numbers, it was reported that Globo allegedly asked writers of this and future soaps to tone down gay characters. However, that didn’t deter writers from pushing the limits of viewers as we can see on Liberdade Liberdade. Prior to Babilonia, the first mouth to mouth kissing on a primetime telenovela occurred on the Amor A Vida finale, where two of the main characters shared their love with an explicit man-on-man kiss.
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